Saturday, October 22, 2011

Unanimous Decisions

Holiday season gives me anxiety - not Christmas gift-giving, roasting the Thanksgiving turkey (especially since Mr. Lincoln is a vegetarian) - but All Hallows Eve.  Halloween is one of my very favorite holidays, and each year I agonize over the perfect costume.

Over the years I've come up with some real winners; last year's skunk costume was a particular favorite, and typified the type of costumes I make.  Yes, make.  Don't worry, no complicated sewing crafts here, just hot glue, iron-on tape, and a few staples here and there to make sure things really stay put.

This year, thanks to a few friends, I am sure my costume will be no different.  I've never done a group costume together, but plan to give it a go as:
Mount Rushmore! See, that's me, on the left!  Mr. Lincoln decided he wanted to be Abe Lincoln this year for Halloween(big surprise there), and we wanted to do something thematic since its our first Halloween together (in 2.5 years).  Clearly GW is another great presidential choice, and when a couple other friends were looking for ideas (and admiring ours), the Mt. Rushmore costume was conceived.  Now, properly I guess this isn't a Mount Rushmore costume, but more of an interpretation as we'll all be dressing up as the flesh and blood heads of state, not stone faces, but I think the concept is solid.

This weekend will be spent thrifting a crafting a couple of the crucial pieces (namely, a longer navy jacket) and ruffled shirt, but I think I can create a sold base out of existing wardrobe pieces.  Realistically though, creating a costume with hot glue and stapling it on at the last minute is a tradition I always enjoy!   Jessica of What I Wore has already done some of the heavy lifting in envisioning a great interpretation of Washington here.

Favorite costumes? Ideas?

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