Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Words of Wisdom

In college I had a great friend/roommate/rugby teammate.  While we were living it up like typical 19 year olds - staying up to late, eating the wrong foods, and beating ourselves opponents up on the rugby pitch, her Dad gave us some advice that has stuck with me:

If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough.

It strikes the right balance of dry wit and truth - and provides some useful perspective to put my mishaps in perspective.

Photo: Bye finger tip - I didn't like you anyway!!
Thanks Dad for the awesome 1st aid!
Over Thanksgiving, and on my 28th birthday no less, I had to be tough (long story short, I was slicing butternut squash with a mandolin, and my fingertip got in the way).  Looks like I'm going into my 28th year with a new set of fingerprints!

Needless to say, my right hand is a little out of commission, so I'll be watching Law and Order SVU marathons resting and rehabbing my poor pointer.  Between that and getting ready to go to San Fran for work next week, it'll be a little bleak around here!

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