I recently came across this post 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy (I can't remember how, but I'm guessing it was on Pinterest) and it made me think. I'm certainly guilty of a lot of things on this list (hello #s 2, 9, 14). It's always a good reminder to lighten up and let go. A lot of these lessons are the hardest, and the ones I find myself constantly having to relearn and be reminded of.
Give Up:
1) Your need to always be right
2) Your need for control
3) Blame
4) Self-defeating talk
5) Limiting beliefs
6) Complaining
7) The luxury of criticism
8) Your need to impress others
9) Your resistance to change
10) Labels
11) Your fears
12) Your excuses
13) The past
14) Attachment
15) Other people's expectations
Check out the full post on Purpose Fairy here